Accueil > Manifestations > Colloques, journées d’étude > Colloques 2016-2017 > The Locations of (World) LiteraturePerspectives from Africa and South (...)

Dernière modification : 2 juin 2017

The Locations of (World) Literature
Perspectives from Africa and South Asia






Monday June 19th


Chair : Claire Joubert (Paris 8)

9h 30 : Introduction by Francesca Orsini and Laetitia Zecchini

9h 45-10h 45 : World visions

  • Xavier Garnier (Paris 3 / THALIM) “World Visions in Swahili Literature
  • Francesca Orsini (SOAS, University of London) “World Literature, Indian views


11h-12h : Travelling literatures

  • Soofia Siddique (Freie Universität Berlin) “Worlds of Advice : Going Places with Nazir Ahmad
  • Fatima Burney (SOAS, University of London) “Oriental Bards and the Figuration of Wandering in ‘World Literature’ : Receptions of Hafez and Persianate Poetics


Chair : Claire Gallien (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III)

14h-15h : Refractions, connections

  • Karin Barber (University of Birmingham) “Print Culture and the Representation of India in early twentieth-century Lagos
  • Sara Marzagora (SOAS, University of London) “Amharic Literature, Ethiopian History and the global ; Käbbädä Mikael’s worldscapes (1950s-1960s)


15h 30-17h : Worlding : debates, writing, translation

  • Mourad Yelles (INALCO-LACNAD) “Littérature-Monde : Alger contre-enquête
  • Tristan Leperlier (EHESS) “Nationalisation and Worldisation of Algerian Literature : Timimoum of Rachid Boudjedra
  • Amatoritsero Ede (MISR, Makerere University, Uganda) “The Untranslatibility of African Language Literature



Tuesday June 20th


Chair : Xavier Garnier (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)

9h 30-10 : 30 : Reshaping cartographies through literature

  • Karima Laachir (SOAS, University of London) “Whose Significant Geography ? History from Below in A Lahbibi’s The Journeys of ‘Abdi(‎2013)”
  • Elara Bertho (Paris 3) “Cartography of Eroticism : Reshaping geographic categories


11h-12h : Communities : beyond geographical assignations ?

  • Peter D. McDonald (Oxford University) “Thinking the Unthinkable : Everintermutuomergent Communities of Letters
  • Laetitia Zecchini (CNRS/THALIM) “Practices, constructions and deconstructions of ‘world literature’ and ‘Indian literature’ : Two Illustrations


Chair : Catherine Servan-Schreiber (CEIAS-EHESS)

14h-15h : Networks : Very local and/or very transnational

  • Clarissa Vierke (University of Bayreuth) “Utterly Local ? On the Position of Swahili Popular Poetry in Dar es Salaam
  • Mélanie Bourlet (INALCO) “Transnational Literary Networks and Local Dynamics : The Case of Pulaar Literature


15h 30-16h 30 : General discussion


  • Free admission subject to availability

    ENS, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005
    Salle Dussane

    June 19th-20th, 2017
    9:00 - 18:00

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