Accueil > Manifestations > Colloques, journées d’étude > Colloques 2016-2017 > NAMED 2017 Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description

Dernière modification : 11 février 2019

NAMED 2017
Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description

A week at the École normale supérieure with Leonard Talmy : International Workshop




Friday 19


8:00 – Registration – Welcoming coffee

8:45 – Opening by Laure Sarda & Benjamin Fagard


9:00-12:30 – Thematic Session : Deixis

9:00 – Yo Matsumoto, Kimi Akita, Anna Bordilovskaya, Kiyoko Eguchi, Hiroaki Koga, Miho Mano, Ikuko Matsuse, Takahiro Morita, Kiyoko Takahashi, Ryosuke Takahashi & Yuko Yoshinari
Linguistic representations of the path of vision : A crosslinguistic experimental study

9:30 – Philippe Bourdin
On directional deixis and how to put it in its place

10:00 – Alice Vittrant, Christine Lamarre, Sophie Voisin, Noëllie Bon, Benjamin Fagard, Colette Grinevald, Anetta Kopecka, Claire Moyse, Annie Risler, Jinke Song, Adeline Tan & Clément Voirin
Revisiting directionals in the light of typological descriptions

10:30 – Coffee break

11:00 – Takahiro Morita
How to integrate the concept of “Speaker” into the motion typology ? From “representation of physical events” to “linguistic reconstruction of perceived events”

11:30 – Dana Abdulrahim
On the many ways to express deictic motion in Arabic

12:00 – Aicha Belkadi & Hannah Gibson
The deictic component of path : Insights from African languages

12:30-14:00 – Lunch


14:00-15:30 – Conference by Leonard Talmy

Neglected Aspects of the Motion System

15:30 – Coffee break


16:00-17:30 – Thematic Session : Source Goal Asymmetry

16:00 – Michel Aurnague
Implicit landmarks and opposite polarities in French motion predicates

16:30 – Jinke Song
Source-Goal Asymmetry : A comparison of spontaneous and caused motion events in Mandarin Chinese

17:00 – Laura Guse
GOAL-SOURCE Asymmetry in German Language


19:00 Cocktail & Poster Session

Anna Bordilovskaya & Kiyoko Eguchi
Deviation in Up-path coding in S-languages : A comparison of Russian and Hungarian

Annie Risler
New perspectives on motion verbs in French sign language

Tatiana Iakovleva
The expression of motion in Russian

Eva Soroli
Motion events in Greek : evidence from production and eye-tracking.

Ronald P. Schaefer & Francis O. Egbokhare
Split Framing for the Manner/Cause Divide

Castrenze Nigrelli
Lexical Aspect and Motion Event Encoding in Homeric Greek : a case study

Natalia Akutina, Denis Arsentyev & Kristina Bagdasaryan
The problem of the path and manner verbs in the Armenian language

Ekaterina Rakhilina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova
Neglected aspects of FALLING

Camille Schoder
Motion expression in children’s acquisition of French Sign Language : Developmental and typological perspectives



Saturday 20


9:30-12:30 – Thematic Session : Motion & Cause

9:30 – Tuomas Huumo
Frames of reference and motion events : Evidence from Finnish projective adpositions

10:00 – Rainer Osswald & Robert D. Van Valin, Jr.
The Description of Transitive Directed Motion in Lakhota (Siouan)

10:30 – Fanny York
Lexicalization of change of state events and expression of causation in Innu

11:00 – Coffee break

11:30 – Arnaud Arslangul, Henriëtte Hendriks, Maya Hickmann & Annie-Claude Demagny
The expression of caused motion by French learners of Chinese L2 : semantic encoding and syntactic structures

12:00 – Kirill Aksenov, Darya Lapenkova, Elena Pasalskaya & Valeriya Vinogradova
Motion events in Russian Sign Language

12:30-14:00 – Lunch


14:00-17:30 – Thematic Session : Adpositions & Constructions

14:00 – Omer Eren & Balkiz Ozturk Basaran
Spatial Prefixes in Pazar Laz

14:30 – Krista Ojutkangas
Systematicity in expressions of secondary reference objects ? On case-inflected spatial grams in Finnish

15:00 – Maaike Beliën
Dutch motion event descriptions with adpositions : The role of constructional semantics

15:30 – Coffee break

16:00 – Hannah Gibson & Rozenn Guérois
The expression of complex motion events in Bantu

16:30 – Joel Olofsson
Variation of co-events. Evidence from Swedish motion constructions.

17:00 – Akinori Ito
A comparison of coding patterns in motion and change-of-state expressions in English : A corpus-based approach


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