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Dernière modification : 24 mai 2016

La mer Noire, IVe-VIIe siècles apr. J.-C.

Colloque international





 Programme (en)

International Workshop

The Black Sea (4th-7th century AD) : the end of the ancient world, beginning of a new order ?

Organisers : Dr. Anca Dan (Paris), Prof. Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Freiburg im Breisgau /Berlin), Prof. Alexandr Podossinov (Moscow).

 Chairmen & Discussants : Prof. Alexandru Avram (Le Mans), Dr. Patrick Counillon (Bordeaux/Paris) ; Dr. Christophe Goddard (Paris), Dr. Olivier Henry (Paris/Istanbul), Dr. Stéphane Lebreton (Arras), Prof. Eckart Olshausen (Stuttgart), Dr. Vera Sauer (Kolding/Stuttgart)


Monday, 23.03 (29, rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris : room 235b)

9.30-10.00 Coffee

  • 10.00-10.15 Welcome address : Prof. Guillaume Bonnet (Deputy Director for Humanities in École normale supérieure, President of the scientific council of labex TransferS, Professor of Classics)
  • 10.15-11.45 Introductory remarks
    • Prof. Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Freiburg im Breisgau/Berlin) : The Black Sea Region and the Impact of Interdisciplinarity
    • Dr. Anca Dan (Paris) : From Greek Periploi to Roman Itineraria : some observations on the descriptions of the Black Sea, in ancient and byzantine times
    • Prof. Alexandr Podossinov (Moscow) : Some remarks to Pseudo-Arrian’s Periplus Ponti Euxini
  • 11.45-12.30 Dr. Denis Zhuravlev (Moscow), Dr. Daniel Kelterbaum (Cologne), Dr. Udo Schlotzhauer (Berlin) : Asian Bosporus in the Late Antiquity : paleogeography and archaeological evidence

12.30-13.30 Lunch for the participants (Catering in the conference hall)

Chairman : Dr. Stéphane Lebreton (Arras)

Discussants : Dr. Patrick Counillon (Bordeaux/Paris), Prof. Eckart Olshausen (Stuttgart)

  • 13.45-14.30 Mariia Tymoshenko (Kiev) : Navigation in the Black Sea, Northern Coast, 4th-7th centuries AD
  • 14.30-15.15 Dr. Klaus Belke (Vienna) : Periploi and Portulans. Ports and shipping stations on the western part of the southern coast of the Black Sea, from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern period
  • 15.15-16.00 Prof. Tønnes Bekker Nielsen (Kolding) : Navigable Rivers in Northern Anatolia

16h-16h30 Pause café

Chairman : Prof. Eckart Olshausen (Stuttgart)

Discussants : Dr. Klaus Belke (Vienna), Prof. Michel Kazanski (Paris)

  • 16.30-17.15 Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis (Berlin) : Byzantium on the Crimea
  • [Prof. Florin Curta (Gainsville Florida) : Ethnicity in the Black Sea Area in the Early Byzantine Times]
  • [Prof. Andrej Vinogradov (Moscow) : Some Notes on the Topography of Eastern Pontos Euxeinos in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium]


Tuesday, 24.03 (29, rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris : salle Jean Jaurès)

8.30-9.00 : Coffee

Chairman : Dr. Olivier Henry (Paris/Istanbul)

Discussants : Prof. Eckart Olshausen (Stuttgart), Dr. Vera Sauer (Kolding/Stuttgart)

  • 9.00-9.45 Prof. Dominique Kassab-Tezgör (Ankara) : The Economic Contacts of Sinope with the Other Centers of Black Sea between the 5th to the 7th centuries AD
  • 9.45-10.30 Dr. Andrei Opaiț (Iași/Toronto) : Production, Distribution and Consumption of Wine and Olive Oil in the Pontic and Lower Danube Areas (4th-6th c. AD) : an overview
  • 10.30-11.15 Prof. Mihail Zahariade (Bucarest) : The 5th-6th Century Towns and Fortresses on West Pontic Seashorea
  • 11.15-12.00 Prof. Michel Kazanski (Paris) : Peoples and Archaeological Sites on the Northern and the Eastern Coasts of the Black Sea, in the Time of Pseudo-Arrian : an overview

12.00-13.30 Lunch for the participants (Catering in the conference hall)

Chairman : Prof. Alexandru Avram (Le Mans)

Discussants : Dr. Patrick Counillon (Bordeaux/Paris), Dr. Stéphane Lebreton (Arras)

  • 13.30-14.15 Prof. Klaus Geus (Berlin), Prof. Irina Tupikova (Dresden) : The Coastline of the Black Sea in Pseudo-Arrian’s Periplus Ponti Euxini and Ptolemy’s Geography : a comparison
  • 14.15-15.00 Dr. Stefano Belfiore (Paris/Geneva) : Arrian and His Pseudographs : the multiplication of a polygraph. Notes on the pseudepigraphic Periplus Ponti Euxini and Periplus Maris Erythraei
  • 15.00-15.45 Prof. Konstantin Boshnakov (Toronto) : New Observations on the Dura Periplus-Map and the Pseudo-Arrian’s Periplus of the Black Sea

16.00-16.30 Coffee

Chairman : Dr. Patrick Counillon (Paris/Bordeaux)

Discussants : Dr. Stéphane Lebreton (Arras). Dr. Christophe Goddard (Paris), Prof. Alexandru Avram (Le Mans)

  • 16.30-17.15 Dr. Bianca Maria Altomare (Reims/Paris) : Marcian of Heraclea and Pontic Geography : the ἔκδοσις of Menippus of Pergamum
  • 17.15-18.00 Dr. Veronica Bucciantini (Florence) : One Thousand Years of Greek Space Representations : Byzantine minor compilations of Pontic geography (Περίμετρος τοῦ Πόντου)


Dr. Anca Dan (Paris), Prof. Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Freiburg im Breisgau/Berlin), Prof. Alexandr Podossinov (Moscow)


Wednesday, 25.03, Louvre Museum (conferences by Prof. François QUEYREL, Dr. Udo SCHLOTZHAUER and Prof. Stéphane VERGER for participants only)


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