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Mints, Technology and Coin Production
Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History

Georges Depeyrot et Michael Märcher (éd.)

Moneta 191

Proceedings of the Round Table of the « Silver monetary Depreciation and International Relations » program (ANR DAMIN, labex TransferS), Copenhagen, May 28-29, 2015


Moneta 191
Crédits : Moneta

This series of volumes Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History aims to republish the main documents related to the question of bimetallism at the end of the 19th century. The series will include several sub-series devoted to the International Monetary Conferences held in various capitals during the second half of the century andto the specific situation of different countries (i.e. India, Japan, United States of America, China, etc.), since the question of monetary systems was a global question. It will also include specific studies on monetary questions and on monetary history.

The scientific community will thus have access to the enormous collection of statistics, analyses, and discussions, on and around the question of gold and silver coinages. These documents will be useful to specialists of the 19th century but also to all specialists of monetary history and in particular to those studying the question of the ratio between gold and silver and the question of gold or silver standard, which are common to all periods.


This volume is the proceedings of the Copenhagen meeting of the DAMIN program La Dépréciation de l’Argent Monétaire et les relations Internationales - Silver Monetary Depreciation and International Relations with the participation of Katerina BREGIANNI (Athens), CAO Jin 曹晉 (Beijing), Viktors DABOLINS (Riga), Georges DEPEYROT (Paris), Dennis O. FLYNN (Stockton), Svein GULLBEKK (Oslo), Cecilia von HEIJNE (Stockholm), Gitte Tarnow INGVARDSON (Lund and Copenhagen), Claudia de LOZANNE JEFFERIES (London), Ursula KAMPMANN (Lörrach), Seán KENNY and Jason LENNARD (Lund), Ivar LEIMUS (Tallinn), Michael MÄRCHER (Copenhagen), Rita MARTINS DE SOUSA (Lisbon), Sylvain MICHON (Paris), Jens Christian MOESGAARD (Copenhagen), Hedi SAIDI (Lille), Sergey TOLSTOGUZOV (Hiroshima), Brigitte TOUITOU-MICHON (Paris).


G. Depeyrot et M. Märcher (éd.). Mints, Technology and Coin Production. Wetteren : Moneta, 2015 (Moneta. Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History ; 191), 430 p. ISBN 978-94-91384-59-2

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