Accueil > Recherche > Professeurs invités > Invités 2016-2017 > Sabine LADSTÄTTER

Dernière modification : 28 février 2017


Austrian Archaeological Institute (Autriche)
Invitée de l’AOrOc - novembre 2016

Sabine LADSTÄTTER - Invitée du labex TransferS - novembre 2016

Durant le mois de novembre 2016, le labex TransferS et Stéphane Verger (AOrOc) accueillent Sabine LADSTÄTTER, directrice de l’Austrian Archaeological Institute.



Ephesos – Archaeology of an Ancient Metropolis

The explicit aim of the course is a comprehensive knowledge about the cultural landscape of Ephesos from the beginning of human settlement activities in the 7th millenium BC up to the final abandonment of the settlment area in the 17th century AD. The focus lays on the GreekRoman metropolis as well as on the Byzantine city as a political, administrative, economic, societal and spiritual centre with a strong impact throughout the ancient world. The city experienced its heyday during the Roman imperial period and Late Antiquity as the capital city of the Province of Asia, and as a trading metropolis with supraregional importance. In the immediate vicinity of Ephesus lay the Artemision, one of the most important ancient sanctuaries with a main temple which was historically famous as one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” and which attracted masses of pilgrims. The tradition as a site of pilgrimage continued into Late Antiquity, when a brisk traffic in pilgrims grew up around the Christian cult buildings, above all the Basilica of St. John and the Church of St. Mary.

Additionally an insight into the excavation history and the current strategy of the research project will be given to the students. Ephesus offers the possibility to carry out fundamental archaeological research and methodological development at one of the most significant find sites of the Mediterranean region : as the object of research, an entire city region with its hinterland is at hand. This site was continuously settled from the Neolithic Age until the PostMedieval period, and during these eras mostly as the central site of the region. The Austrian Archaeological Institute has now carried out research for over 120 years at Ephesus. The ancient history of the site, spanning millennia, is now probed using the most modern technological methods. In addition to traditional excavation techniques, nondestructive methods such as geophysical survey, deep drilling and surface survey are now increasingly employed. By these means, extensive areas can be investigated in a costand timeintensive manner. Within the context of interdisciplinary research projects, not only the human legacy is now analysed, but also the geography, geology, and climatology, as well as the flora and fauna of the region are being investigated in order to be able to indicate as extensive a picture as possible of the past culture of the area.



  • Tuesday 8, 15, 22, 29 November
  • 1pm - 3pm
  • INHA, salle Fabri de Peiresc (2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris)
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