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When Orient and Occident Meet
Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History

Georges Depeyrot (éd.)

Moneta 176

Proceedings of the Round Table of the « Silver monetary Depreciation and International Relations » program (ANR DAMIN, LabEx TransferS), Osaka, April 4-6, 2014.


Moneta 176
Crédits : Moneta

The aim of the program is to analyze the question of the rise and fall of the bimetallism and the question of the depreciation of silver in the nineteenth century. This analyze includes the important question of the role of Asia and especially of China and Japan in the silver question. A large place is given to the questions of coin production, monetary unifications with the emergence of common currencies (cf. Latin Union in Europe, US and Mexican Dollar, Yen, etc.) in a process of globalization of the monetary market, including the question of the shift to the gold standard. The period concerned is mainly the XIXth century, in a large acceptance.

The DAMIN program (2012-2015), supports and encourages several actions such as publication, republication of the main basic documentation (International Monetary Conferences, Reports of silver committees, etc.), especially in the series Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History. Translations of documents from non-European languages are also parts of the program. Of course, analyses and elaborations of new interpretation are the final goal of the program ; comparative studies with other periods of monetary globalization are welcome.


This volume is the proceedings of the Osaka meeting of the DAMIN program La Dépréciation de l’Argent Monétaire et les relations Internationales - Silver Monetary Depreciation and International Relations with the participation of Patrice BAUBEAU (Paris), Katerina BREGIANNI (Athens), Georges DEPEYROT (Paris), Aude ERRAGNE (Clermont-Ferrand), Flora HUANG (Leicester), Michael MÄRCHER (Copenhagen), Sylvain MICHON (Paris), Hedi SAIDI (Lille), Simone SELVA (Naples), Ekaterina SVIRINA (Moscow), Brigitte TOUITOU-MICHON (Paris), Hsiu-jung TSAI and Lih-feng LIN (Taiwan), Meg VIVERS (Armidale, New South Wales), Horace YEUNG (Leicester).


G. Depeyrot (éd.). When Orient and Occident Meet. Wetteren : Moneta, 2014 (Moneta. Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History ; 176), 357 p. ISBN 978‑94‑91384‑44‑8

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